I chose what makes Roz and Brightbill a family for my final writing piece for the wild robot. I think what makes Roz and Brightbill a family is that they care for each other and love each other. Some examples from the book that is evidence of my belief is when at the end of the book when Roz had to go. Brightbill was scared and didn’t want Roz to leave, and when Roz was in the spaceship, Roz said that when he got his parts back he would try to go back to Brightbill. This is why I think that Roz and Brightbill were a family and will always be.

What the food in your refrigerator does when it is closed

Hello my name is Ketchup, I live in the refrigerator. My neighbours are Mr. Milk and Mrs. Soya Sauce, we have lots of big parties when no one is looking. When Carter and Charlsey open the refrigerator we go back to our positions. Sometimes we play pranks on Carter and Charlsey and we try to hide behind our friends so they can’t find us, it is so funny. Life of a ketchup bottle is short, the lifespan is half a month to a month but it feels like two days because we are having so much fun. So now you know what we do when the refrigerator door is closed, so keep it a secret and don’t tell anyone.
🤫 shhhhhhhhhhhhh

My Hockey Team

I play for Winterhawks Gold, we are currently in first place in our league. My team plays against 11 and 12 year old’s however we have only one 12 year old on our team, his name is Barrett. I play defence on my team, I have about 20 goals and on my birthday I got 2 goals and almost a hat trick. My team beat a team with all 12 year old’s 4 times in a row. We are now going into playoffs, in the first round since we got first, we get a bye to the second round. I hope we do well in the playoffs and see you next time, bye.

A year in Review

The best book I read this past year was I am number 4. I like it because there is a lot of action. My favourite memory is playing hockey with my friends. We played at the outdoor rink at Roblin Park for fun and we played in a tournament and got third place. What I loved about 2019 was going tobogganing with my friends.

Something I want to learn in 2020 is to ski. My family and friends are going to Bid Sky Montana. I also want to get better at hockey. May 2020 bring you the best of luck.

My Christmas traditions

Me and my family have lots of Christmas traditions, some times we go to outdoor hockey rinks and every Christmas we get a advent calendar. This year in every box there’s a lindor chocolat and this year we bot it late                              so we eat 2 chocolates a day till we cache up. On Christmas Eve we go to some someones house and play games, one year we rapte a candy bag with raping paper and bubble rap and we rapte it like 20 times AND we all have oven mitts on, you have 2 dice and one person is trying to get to the candy bag the other people are trying to roll a double with the 2 dice when you get the double you try YOU try to get the candy bag open.

So thous are some of my Christmas traditions thank you for reading, see you next time